miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Hibike! Euphonium - Sound! Euphonium - 響け!ユーフォニアム Hi10p 1080p x264 mkv FLAC audio - Sub Spanish - Sub Español 14/14

Subtitulos Español, 1080p hi10p, flac audio:

hAPPY hunting:


Includes crack and iso by codex:

hAPPY hunting


Disc 1

01. Theme of Cinderella Girls (M01A)
02. Anemone (M02)
03. Flower Language (M34A)
04. Why Don't You Be a Cinderella? (M33A)
05. Trial and Error (M17A)
06. Sly & The Girls Jewelries (M41)
07. April Tango (M05)
08. The Second Line of MIO (M10A)
09. Waltz for Dreamers (M06)
10. Just Curious. (M19)
11. Never Was a Cloudy Twilight (M40)
12. Puzzling Pizzicato (M07)
13. The Dancing Glass Slippers (M25)
14. The Cat Ears' Opinions (M30A)
15. Ambiguous Dialogue (M31A)
16. Dress! Dress! Dress! (M21)
17. The Days of Effort (M27)
18. All Right in the End (M39)
20. Eight Days OFF A Week (M14A)
21. Teatime (in the Magic Hour) (M38)
22. RANKO's Grimoire (M13A)
23. Tut-Tut Blues (M32A)
24. Mondo Monday (M23)
25. Sunday Montuno (M24)
26. The Girls Etiquette (M22)
27. Count It Basis! (M11)
28. The Reversible Heart (M08)
29. Motif “Awake” (M09)
30. Honesty (M20)
31. Bedtime Nocturne (M37A)
32. Your Smile (M28)
33. Tears of Joy (M29)

Disc 2

01. Fortunately, Ordinary (M36)
02. Carriage for Cutie (M03)
03. A Demon in Shibuya (M15A)
04. Passione (M04)
05. Wishful Thinking (M66)
06. Playing Spies (M67)
07. TOTOKIRA Kindergarten (M68)
08. Serendipity (M63)
09. If So (or Not So) (M65)
10. Elder Sisters' Pain (M64)
11. Thanks For Our Work (M42)
12. See You (M43)
13. Regal No.346 (M60A)
14. Erosional Authority (M60B)
15. Thistle Castle (M60C)
16. The Dotted Anxiety (M16)
17. Impatience (M26)
18. The Beautiful Creeps (M44)
19. Emergency (M45)
20. Heartbeats (M46)
21. Someone Behind the Door (M12)
22. Nothing's Gonna Be Alright (M48)
23. 1159 Tinnitus (M18)
24. A Ripple of Courage (M61)
25. A Lost Princess (M49)
26. Starting Over (M62)
27. Primula Julian (M01C)
28. SHINSEN Girls (#26)

Disc 3

01. お願い!シンデレラ (BGM Version) (C01)
02. メッセージ (BGM Version) (C02)
03. ススメ☆オトメ~jewel parade~ (BGM Version) (C03)
04. We're the friends! (BGM Version) (C04)
05. Nation Blue (BGM Version) (C05)
06. Orange Sapphire (BGM Version) (C06)
07. アタシポンコツアンドロイド (BGM Version) (C07)
08. Star!!(Piano Instrumental Version) (C08)
09. 夕映えプレゼント (BGM Version) (C09)
10. できたてEvo! Revo! Generation! (BGM Version) (C10)
11. オルゴールの小箱 (BGM Version) (C11)
12. 輝く世界の魔法 (BGM Version) (C15)
13. Never say never (BGM Version) (C16)
14. S(mile)ING! (BGM Version) (C17)
15. ミツボシ☆☆★ (BGM Version) (C18)
16. Shine!! (BGM Version) (C19)
17. 夢色ハーモニー (BGM Version) (C20)
18. GOIN'!!! (BGM Version) (C21)
19. つぼみ (BGM Version) (C23)
20. Star!!(オルゴールVersion)
21. お願い!シンデレラ(オルゴールVersion)

Bonus Track
22. アタシポンコツアンドロイド(TV Size)(歌:CANDY ISLAND
23. Orange Sapphire(TV Size)(歌:凸レーション
24. Nation Blue(TV Size)(歌:渋谷凛新田美波アナスタシア神崎蘭子多田李衣菜
25. GOIN'!!!(歌:双葉杏三村かな子城ヶ崎莉嘉神崎蘭子前川みく諸星きらり多田李衣菜赤城みりあ新田美波緒方智絵里安部菜々木村夏樹白坂小梅
26. S(mile)ING!(TV Version)(歌:島村卯月
27. 流れ星キセキ(TV Version)(歌:new generations
28. Absolute NIne(歌:new generations

Special Track
29. STORY(歌:島村卯月本田未央渋谷凛神谷奈緒北条加蓮

Bluray Disc Audio

01. Theme of Cinderella Girls (M01A)
02. Theme of Cinderella Girls (TypeB) (M01B)
03. Primula Julian (M01C)
04. Anemone (M02)
05. Carriage for Cutie (M03)
06. Passione (M04)
07. April Tango (M05)
08. Waltz for Dreamers (M06)
09. Puzzling Pizzicato (M07)
10. The Reversible Heart (M08)
11. Motif “Awake” (M09)
12. The Second Line of MIO (M10A)
13. The Second Line of MIO (TypeB) (M10B)
14. Count It Basis! (M11)
15. Someone Behind the Door (M12)
16. RANKO's Grimoire (M13A)
17. RANKO's Grimoire (TypeB) (M13B)
18. Eight Days OFF A Week (M14A)
19. Eight Days OFF A Week (TypeB) (M14B)
20. A Demon in Shibuya (M15A)
21. A Demon in Shibuya (TypeB) (M15B)
22. The Dotted Anxiety (M16)
23. Trial and Error (M17A)
24. 1159 Tinnitus (M18)
25. Just Curious. (M19)
26. Honesty (M20)
27. Dress! Dress! Dress! (M21)
28. The Girls Etiquette (M22)
29. Mondo Monday (M23)
30. Sunday Montuno (M24)
31. The Dancing Glass Slippers (M25)
32. Impatience (M26)
33. The Days of Effort (M27)
34. Your Smile (M28)
35. Tears of Joy (M29)
36. The Cat Ears' Opinions (M30A)
37. The Cat Ears' Opinions (TypeB) (M30B)
38. Ambiguous Dialogue (M31A)
39. Ambiguous Dialogue (TypeB) (M31B)
40. Tut-Tut Blues (M32A)
41. Why Don't You Be a Cinderella? (M33A)
42. Why Don't You Be a Cinderella? (TypeB) (M33B)
43. Flower Language (M34A)
44. Flower Language (TypeB) (M34B)
46. Fortunately, Ordinary (M36)
47. Bedtime Nocturne (M37A)
48. Teatime (in the Magic Hour) (M38)
49. All Right in the End (M39)
50. Never Was a Cloudy Twilight (M40)
51. Sly & The Girls Jewelries (M41)
52. Thanks For Our Work (M42)
53. See You (M43)
54. The Beautiful Creeps (M44)
55. Emergency (M45)
56. Heartbeats (M46)
57. Nothing's Gonna Be Alright (M48)
58. A Lost Princess (M49)
59. Eyecatch (TypeA) (M50)
60. Eyecatch (TypeB) (M51)
61. Eyecatch (TypeC) (M52)
62. Regal No.346 (M60A)
63. Erosional Authority (M60B)
64. Thistle Castle (M60C)
65. A Ripple of Courage (M61)
66. Starting Over (M62)
67. Serendipity (M63)
68. Elder Sisters' Pain (M64)
69. If So (or Not So) (M65)
70. Wishful Thinking (M66)
71. Playing Spies (M67)
72. TOTOKIRA Kindergarten (M68)
73. SHINSEN Girls (Ep26)
74. お願い!シンデレラ (BGM Version) (C01)
75. メッセージ (BGM Version) (C02)
76. ススメ☆オトメ~jewel parade~ (BGM Version) (C03)
77. We're the friends! (BGM Version) (C04)
78. Nation Blue (BGM Version) (C05)
79. Orange Sapphire (BGM Version) (C06)
80. アタシポンコツアンドロイド (BGM Version) (C07)
81. Star!!(Piano Instrumental Version) (C08)
82. 夕映えプレゼント (BGM Version) (C09)
83. できたてEvo! Revo! Generation! (BGM Version) (C10)
84. オルゴールの小箱 (BGM Version) (C11)
85. 輝く世界の魔法 (BGM Version) (C15)
86. Never say never (BGM Version) (C16)
87. S(mile)ING! (BGM Version) (C17)
88. ミツボシ☆☆★ (BGM Version) (C18)
89. Shine!! (BGM Version) (C19)
90. 夢色ハーモニー (BGM Version) (C20)
91. GOIN'!!! (BGM Version) (C21)
92. つぼみ (BGM Version) (C23)
93. Star!!(オルゴールVersion)
94. お願い!シンデレラ(オルゴールVersion)

Bonus Track
95. アタシポンコツアンドロイド(歌:CANDY ISLAND
96. Orange Sapphire(歌:凸レーション
97. Nation Blue(歌:渋谷凛新田美波アナスタシア神崎蘭子多田李衣菜
98. GOIN'!!!(歌:双葉杏三村かな子城ヶ崎莉嘉神崎蘭子前川みく諸星きらり多田李衣菜赤城みりあ新田美波緒方智絵里安部菜々木村夏樹白坂小梅
99. S(mile)ING!(TV Version)(歌:島村卯月
100. 流れ星キセキ(TV Version)(歌:new generations
101. Absolute NIne(歌:new generations

Special Track
102. STORY(歌:島村卯月本田未央渋谷凛神谷奈緒北条加蓮
103. STORY(オリジナル・カラオケ)

I have pending samples upload.

hAPPY hunting.